Red Dress Series

Red Dress Series
Marketa Sivek

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

You've seen me post about other projects that I have done and I'm quite thrilled with most of them, but one that I have to share with you is something I did last year...and now that its Christmas time it reminds me all over again of the thrill of finding something old and reinventing it into something wonderful (and useful).

Each Christmas I spend time with my family and last year, I happen to spend that time with my parents in my hometown of Norman, Oklahoma. We love to shop at Estate Sales, Garage Sales and Fair grounds...You never know what you're going to find and in Norman the prices are so cheap that I can bring it back DIY-it and make a killing on Craig's List (I've sold a few things already!!). This piece you see below was a rare old printing cabinet that would be perfect as a jewelry case to house ALL OF MY STUFF! and yes, i have enough stuff...

I had to first haul this all the way back to Chicago, up 3 flights of stairs and into the spare bedroom, prep and paint the thing but in the end, it was a pure labor of love. It looks Sears & Roebuck-ish, and I totally dig it because I love my tools as much as I love my glam!

What will I come up with next...I'm going home in a few days super excited to see my family...but looking forward to my next discovery!

Happy Holidays - let the unexpected, thrill you!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Happy Holidays!! I am having such fun using Pinterest in finding new ideas for creating holiday crafts and sweet treats. I found this recipe on Pinterest for Gingerbread men garland and I thought...that looks cute; I'll make some for my boyfriend's tree -- his 4 year old daughter will love this. Well as it would have it, I don't actually have a gingerbread man cookie cutter so I had to improvise (and I did go look for one - and there were none to be found!!). At any rate the recipe was super easy and then putting them together was a snap. Here is the results and then I gave them to Tim and Sofia and they loved them...and put them on their tree!

It was fun to make and even more fun to give! Happy Holidays

Find your happiness!